Your Boss is always right
When I walked into my former primary school staff room, I saw a notice on the wall, on the general sitting area that said:
Rule No 1: Your boss is always right
Rule No 2: If you think that your boss is wrong, refer to rule no. 1.
I found it a bit hilarious at the time but the more I thought about it, the more I began to analyze. As I began to think about the first rule in reality, I realized it didn’t make sense to me. That’s because first, I’m not a ‘yes sir’ kind of person. Then, my boss is not a HR expert, neither am I. And finally, it is not possible that someone is right all the time.
As an employee, it is mandatory that you respect your boss, regardless of who they are or who you think they are. There is no shortcut on this one. Disagreeing with him or her on certain opinions is not a criminal offence either. What is most important is how you communicate this disagreement.
You need to learn your boss if you are to have a fruitful work relationship. Someone once told me that you have to anticipate your bosses’ needs. If your boss is the kind that checks his emails once a week, phone calls is an ideal way to communicate. I once had a boss that had to take tea first when he arrived at work, if you had any urgent matter, he said it couldn’t be more urgent than his tea. Know your bosses’ moods too, it will help you to know when to stay clear of him or her. Also know his leadership style so you don’t wait for him to find out your mistakes before you can speak up or blame it on someone else.
When you disagree with your boss on opinions, make sure that how you communicate with him is respectful. Remember this is your boss you are speaking to and he still wants to feel like he’s in charge by the end of this conversation. Ensure he’s in a receptive mood too and articulate your point with the precision it requires. Even when he tries to make it an argument, don’t engage him in an exchange. When you have finished, leave it to him to make a decision.
So ladies and gentlemen, your boss may always be right, but not all the time.
Makes sense but there’s a major assumption that all bosses are male hence I have noticed you referring to the boss as him…
??food for thought …
Most of my bosses have been male so I think the ‘he’ comes in naturally. Working on it though. Thank you so much